The Best Snacks for When You’re On-the-Go

Whether you’re traveling or stuck at work, we all have those days where it’s hard to sit down and have a meal. While you should never skip meals, you may find that you have to lengthen the time between them on certain days. Here, we list some of our favorite on-the-go snacks for various occasions:

When You’re Traveling

It can be hard to sit down for a proper meal when you’re traveling. You usually have to wait a long time before you can get proper food in you. Having a few snacks to hold you over, though, can help you stay healthy and alert when you need it most.

By Car

If you’re driving, you need a snack that isn’t too distracting. That means something that is easy to grab with one hand and not too messy. Some ideas include:

  • Pretzels (without dip)
  • Cheez-Its
  • Trail mix
  • Grapes
  • Popcorn

By Plane

Traveling by plane is a bit different than traveling by car. While you still don’t want a snack that’s too messy, you have a bit more options since you’ll have two hands to eat with instead of one. You can use the snacks above, but we also have a few more additions:

  • Yogurt
  • Apple sauce
  • Peanut butter and celery
  • Veggies with dip
  • Pretzels with dip

When You’re in Class or at Work

You may still be “on-the-go” even if you’re not traveling. You could be going from class to class or from meeting to meeting without much time for a break in-between. Your stomach starts rumbling, but lunchtime isn’t for another hour or so. In these instances, you may have to eat a snack in class or at your desk. For these situations, you’ll want a snack that isn’t too loud, smelly, or distracting.

  • Trail mix
  • Pretzels (with or without dip, so long as the dip isn’t too smelly)
  • Cut-up apples
  • Apple sauce
  • Popcorn
  • Cheese
  • Protein bars or shakes

Pretzels are a great snack to have whether you’re on-the-go or have all the time in the world. Look through our selection at Uncle Henry’s Pretzel Bakery today!